
solo vocal

Solo Vocal

NEW: Moonlight is Very White [sop + cello]
translation of a Wang Xiaoni poem
[score forthcoming]

NEW: To the Bleak Shore [sop + pno]
song-cycle on texts by Edna St. Vincent Millay

Caliban in After-Life [2014] (sop + vln + pno)
{G4–G5} [Ab3–Bb5]*
monodrama on an imagined soliloquy for Caliban

We'll to the Woods No More [2015] (countertenor + pno) 
{C#4–Bb4} [Bb3–Eb5]
song-cycle on texts by A.E. Housman

Drei Jahreszeiten [2013] (sop + picc / alto fl + pno) 
{E4–G5} [D4—C#6]
three seasonal texts by Rilke

Drei Lieder nach Gedichte von Kurt Kramer [2016] (contralto + pno) 
{C4–C5} [F#3–F5]
three songs on texts by the Austrian painter and poet Kurt Kramer
[score available on request]

* — {tessitura] [extreme range]